April 23, 2013

Sweating constantly and other current happenings...

I'm currently stealing WiFi from the technology center where my sister is having English class. It's pretty amusing to hear native Spanish speakers speak English--even though they probably think the same about my Spanish. CBT (community based training) is wrapping up. It has gone by surprisingly fast, even though the days seem to drag on. I've almost been here for 2 months now and it doesn't seem like I have been gone for that long. In less than a month I'll be 22--and still considered a baby among my fellow volunteers. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a time warp here. In the campo, no one really reads the news or watches the news on the TV. I find out about current events once a week when I have internet to read them online. I miss the news. 

The pace of life is a lot slower, and my days become mixed up. But I am also acutely aware that life goes on at home. And that life I have been missing lately. Every time I log onto Facebook I want to stalk all of my friends and see what they've been up to, it's becoming a bad habit, really. I have thought about deleting my Facebook altogether, but I know I would regret it. I just wish my friends would stop having so much fun. 

Anyways, enough of my pity party. I have successfully given 2 presentations in Spanish--so that's exciting. My Spanish is slowly getting better. Most Dominicans here are patient with me. Last weekend was probably the most fun I've had since I've been in Peralvillo. And I've noticed that I write about my weekends more than weekdays. I don't want to bore you with my details of training...and I don't want to fall asleep writing them :) On Friday, our group of volunteers got together to make a bonfuego (bonfire--Spanglish) by the river. I'm not quite sure what we were thinking, since it's quite warm, even at nights for a fire, but we did just that, it's nice to do something American.  Dominicans would never have a bonfire, the only thing that I've seen burning here is trash. We shared stories of our lives around the fire, and the more we do that the closer I become with some of my fellow volunteers.

Then on Saturday morning I got to sleep in! ALLLRIGHT! I woke up and lazied around all morning. My host sister painted my nails and put my hair in rollers to straighten it...its actually worked! But then it was humid and started to curl about 5 minutes later. A group of volunteers were planning on going to the bomba (dance club) on Saturday night but none of us could find a ride. Instead we went to a volunteer's house to watch Argo, which I had not seen, and it was really great!

Sunday night was the night. I still don't understand why Dominican's go out dancing really late on Sunday night but I like it--I did not enjoy getting up and giving a Spanish presentation the next morning though. On Sunday my neighbor volunteer Kate, her host sister and host brother and two other volunteers and I went to the Bomba around 4 pm on Sunday. When we arrived not many people where there, but slowly more and more started to show up and by 8pm the place was packed. We enjoyed ourselves and danced until about 1am.I think I danced to almost every song...typical. Once I got home I immediately fell asleep to be rudely awoken at 6:45am to start another week of training. And here I am on Tuesday evening, surviving my last full week of training.  I'm ready to be done. I know what I need to do and how to do it. I want to know where I will be living and get started. (I think I will be placed with a women's group)! In less than a month I will officially be sworn in as a volunteer and I am so excited for that portion of this adventure to begin!

This coming up week I told my host mother I would make American food for her (although it's really for me--I would kill for a juicy burger). She is also sad I am leaving and cannot wait to come and visit me once I am in my site. Sometimes, she is overwhelming but I know she means well. Living in Peralvillo has been a good learning experience for me and has really challenged me at times. Well, it's almost time for a break in the class, which means I get a snack! (Currently I am starvingggg!)

Missing all mis amigos,


Here's a current view of where I'm sitting...I hope to upload pictures once I'm back in the capital!

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